HAF’s work is made possible by investments from individual investors, financial institutions, foundations, corporations, and more. Our flexible capital structure accommodates a wide range of investment types. Current investors have provided grants, equity-like investments, program-related investments (PRIs), and secured and unsecured debt. We welcome new investors and additional investment types.
Questions? If you would like us to connect with you or your financial advisor, please email us at info@sfhaf.org.
We recently created a simple way for individual investors to put their philanthropic capital to work for housing, called the “Home for Good Fund.” Click to learn more!
Interested in making a donation?
Donations help to support the growth of our team and our operating costs, allowing us to expand our impact. We welcome your tax-deductible gifts to the San Francisco Housing Accelerator Fund.
Tax ID: 01-0716217
Mailing Address:
The San Francisco Housing Accelerator Fund
564 Market St, Suite 225
San Francisco, CA 94104