SPUR Panel: The Who and How of Paying for Affordable Housing at Spur

Our Executive Director, Rebecca Foster, will join the panelists below at SPUR’s upcoming panel: The Who and How of Paying for Affordable Housing. Who pays, and how they pay, for affordable housing is one of the biggest hurdles to getting projects constructed. But innovative funding options may help streamline the process. Join a panel of experts for a conversation about new ways to finance affordable housing and learn about the Bay Area’s newest funds, which will create more nimble financing tools that can act quickly in this fast-moving market. Rebecca will join the following in this discussion:
+ Rich Gross / Enterprise Community Partners
+ Kevin Zwick / Housing Trust Silicon Valley

Event Details: 12:30 pm || Tuesday August 15th || SPUR Urban Center, 654 Mission Street, San Francisco. Tickets can be purchased here.